Your Horoscope Today :Feb 20



Your Horoscope Today : Feb 20



(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
A delightfully enjoyable time begins today and taking care of visiting family is what you truly enjoy. Having completed most of the important work during the week, you can enjoy the next two days. Lack of sleep is something which doesn’t bother you.
Love message: good news comes when least expected.


(Apr 20 - May 20)
Most Taureans are known for their straight talking ways, so it is a shock to the other person when you suddenly become very vulnerable. A short holiday at the end of the month rejuvenates and you have a great time.
Love message: a karmic cycle of finding true love begins.


(May 21 - Jun 21)
Being complimented for the project completed is totally what you deserve. By the end of the day, though you are tired, but the evening promises to be very exciting and quite unforgettable. Meeting some friends is a pleasant surprise.
Love message: your spouse/ partner is in a very romantic mood.


(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Self employed Cancereans would maneuver the company towards a newly chosen goal. For all Cancereans, career moves onto a more positive phase and it is even easier relating to colleagues. Returning to a relationship creates a new pattern of thoughts and behavior.
Love message: there is mutual understanding and respect.


(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
A forward karmic movement in a situation needs major overhauling before life settles down once again. Being able to implement one decision taken sometime back is a big relief. A change of residence or renting another office soon is revealed.
Love message: your intentions being understood is a big relief.


(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
There is so much you can learn from a trusted friend, who could also be your guide and philosopher. As far as possible eat only home cooked food as a slight digestive problem is revealed by the Tarot.
Love message: a friendship will take time to reach a comfort zone.


(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
A very busy day when you may not even get time for a quick lunch (but try and have some fruit at least). Re-doing and re-creating a plan which has been slow in emerging is revealed.
Love message: a sudden change of plans is something which actually brings you closer.


(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Good karma has earned bonus points, manifesting in the form of extra cash being made available as needed. Some ideas are workable, but wait out this karmic cycle. Buying or selling property is possible and this auspicious period lasts for one year.
Love message: today is good and tomorrow is even better.


(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Urgent work has to be completed, even though it has come to you suddenly just today. Choosing between several alternatives will make it easier.
Love message: be a little more patient when your soul mate comes up with an idea which is completely different to what you had in mind.


(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Be firm about what you intuitively feel is too much and then take it from there. An older friend or a relative feels you can achieve much more in career and can be quite aggressive about advice given.
Love message: be clear about your decisions before having a talk.


(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
An engagement is possible for single Aquarians. Partnerships in business are also highlighted. House hunting has to be taken up on a war footing now. Career is proceeding in a manner which is heartening and gives confidence about your goals.
Love message: a commitment would actually bring stability and permanence.



(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Take a look at your today and appreciate all the Celestial gifts which have come to you because of positive karmas. Unmarried Pisceans are shocked about feelings towards a friend.
Love message: deal with one emotion at a time and discard what is not needed at a time like this.




