

[ Romantic horoscope 2011]

Your Horoscope Today : Feb 19



(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Maximize productivity and remain full of positive energy by exercising regularly (but not overdoing it). Take expert advice when dealing with finance and financial matters. A work related trip soon is revealed by the Tarot.
Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and eating the right kind of foods.


(Apr 20 - May 20)
The end of financial insecurity and the beginning of a new strong you, spiritually and emotionally is highlighted. A gift from a parent is a dream come true. Feed as many strays and birds as possible as thanksgiving.
Take care of yourself by making yourself as financially strong as possible.


(May 21 - Jun 21)
Accepting your role in a small fiasco reveals maturity and a willingness to take responsibility. This is also the personality of a leader. Weave only positive karmic vibrations by making correct choices. A headache is due to stress.

Take care of yourself by pampering yourself in whatever manner relaxes you.


(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
A relationship keeps coming to a halt and then beginning again when least expected to, causing even more turmoil and angst. Prioritise life, future goals and just concentrate on career.
Take care of yourself by accepting certain truths which are difficult to accept, but are beneficial in the long run.


(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Financial insecurity is over and better days are ahead, as a financial backer might step in quite suddenly and help ease money issues. Being a little less sensitive will help.
Take care of yourself by putting a smile back on your face and doing whatever it takes to get it back.


(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
A time for re-bonding friendships which have taken the worst of emotional wear and tear. A period of forward movement after a slight karmic plateau begins. A cancelled trip abroad will take place soon. Health is good.
Take care of yourself by main-taining harmonious relationships which makes for relaxed communication.


(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Friends would be arriving home and spending quality and quantity time with you. A balance between spirituality and materialism takes place and this is a relief. Sometimes there are no clear cut answers to issues.
Take care of yourself by continuing to make time for yourself and following a hobby.


(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Giving a hundred percent at work is possible when health is good. Consistency and persistence have kept you at the pinnacle of career and this is how it remains. A reconciliation is possible with the love of your life.
Take care of yourself by embracing this emotional happiness with all your heart.


(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sagittarians enter a period of career enhancement, reaching out to what they know is rightfully theirs. But having worked hard all these years, it feels like receiving karmic rewards and justice. Keep one step ahead of competition.
Take care of yourself by thinking positive and keeping the mind free from unnecessary tension.


(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
There could be an unexpected and surprising change of events in your life because of which you need to step back, make time for yourself to sort out problems and then take necessary action.
Take care of yourself by juggling and multitasking as much as is comfortable at this stage.


(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Give yourself ample time to understand the new person in your life and then enjoy the mutual love and trust. Be willing to take a chance on a sudden inspiration and persist with it to the point of success.
Take care of yourself by trusting your instincts about a new relationship.


(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Pisceans in a committed relationship are likely to meet their future spouses’ family, prior to setting a wedding date. Your emotional sensitivity makes you a popular friend, a good spouse and a protective parent. Life is great.
Take care of yourself by learning to refuse and really mean what you say.