Your Horoscope Today :September 8

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Having learnt so much from the past, you are sure of the chosen path. Important people who make a difference have entered your life. Mentally run through the ‘wish list’, deciding what you need to add or subtract.
Health: some news may agitate you, so take care of your blood pressure.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
Try to be less impulsive as this can also be a reaction to suppressed anger over a situation which has no apparent solution. Remember time takes care of most problems, so take it easy. A positive ‘karmic’ cycle reveals increased finances.
Health: this new diet and exercise program is doing so much good. Keep the focus!

(May 21 - Jun 21)
Sharing a good working relationship is the first step towards achievement and this is something you work towards diligently. A younger relative maybe upset about some developments; your kindness and compassion helps achieving a balanced viewpoint.
Health: a seasonal cough or cold is annoying, but has to be lived through.

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
If you take a challenging situation in your stride without getting upset or hassled, it will just ease off on its own without causing any long term damage. Cancereans who free lance would be able to bag an important and longed for project.
Health: take proper precaution against water born diseases.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
This one step forward and two steps backward will soon ease off since behind the scenes ‘karmic’ activity and changing vibes begin to work in your favour. A difficult and loving relationship needs to be evaluated and worked on.
Health: try and cut down on saturated fats and increase water consumption.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Focusing on your general health and exercising regularly is the resolution made on your birthday. Meeting friends and going out is better than staying home by yourself (unless you prefer doing that now and then). True love is exciting and calming too.
Health: making conscious decisions has improved overall health.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Someone you dote on is with you, and you wish time just stopped still at that precise moment. A business meeting has an unexpected outcome, bringing another potential contract for you. Advice from the spouse/ partner will be honest.
Health: try and eat vegetarian food often and lots of roughage.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
The Universe swirls new energy around you, so go with the flow and take changing situations in your stride without questioning or doubting. Several must do chores at home need to be tackled since they are important too.
Health: a fever may force you to take a couple of days off from work.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
The path to be followed today is one of patience and persistence, even if dealing with a challenging situation. Single Sagittarians enter the ‘dasha’ of making new friends and one person will make a long term difference.
Health: this is a good ‘karmic’ cycle in which to give up a harmful habit.

(Dec 23-Jan 20)
Roots for a new beginning are gradually making their presence felt and your quiet strength helps them along. Changes in your personal life make you stop for a moment and think, and then you take forceful action to sort out your life completely.
Health: do drink enough water during the day.

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Be open to viewpoints which are different to yours and then take your time in deciding if some can be incorporated in your life. A good day for career and some news is heartening to hear. There is more responsibility at work.
Health: try and be extra careful with food and water if traveling.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
A change in life and circumstances can be worrisome, but only if faith is shaky; so continue to trust God as always. Going overseas for work or a transfer are possible in this ‘karmic’ cycle of transformation.
Health: have a happy attitude and you will be fine. Avoid dwelling on the past.
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