Your Horoscope Today : September 10

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Okay, it's true that the boss doesn't always know best, but it's still not a great time to go toe-to-toe, even if you've got right on your side. While it's tempting to tell them exactly what they're doing wrong, bite your tongue. Instead, tend your own garden and concentrate on ways to change things from the ground up. It's the only way to get up the career ladder without tripping on a crucial rung or two, especially right now.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
It feels especially difficult to go back to your usual routine when you've just had such luscious moments of pure pleasure. Why not extend the party for just a little while longer? There's really no harm, and the stars are giving you a wink and a smile. In fact, they're practically ordering you to go ahead and indulge in some sybaritic delights. Just make sure that you don't overindulge -- after all, you do have some responsibilities to attend to (eventually).

(May 21 - Jun 21)
You've got what it takes to impress the powers that be -- in fact, your sparkling personality is so charming that you can turn the head of just about everyone who crosses your path. That may include someone that a friend of yours thinks of as expressly their property, so make sure that your intentions are clear. After all, you have no interest in poaching on your friend's territory. Use your natural charisma to smooth over the situation.

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Is it a case of mistaken identity, or are you just really seeing this person's true colors for the first time? Play detective when it comes to the past. In light of their recent behavior, you may no longer dismiss some erratic or inconsiderate behaviors as 'just one of those things.' In fact, it may be part of a pretty clear pattern. Now that you have the evidence assembled in front of you, you have to decide what to do next. Let your conscience be your guide.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Agreeing just to try and get along with everyone doesn't really help and usually just hurts. It's time to know your own mind and voice your opinions. What are you agreeing to? What do you really want to do? Do you believe in what's being said, or do you have a completely different take on the situation? Think about these questions and start asserting yourself. Others may be startled initially, but they'll respect you more.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
You can't hurry love -- sometimes you just have to wait. Be patient when it comes to your relationships, especially if you and a loved one have dealt with a lot of turbulence in the recent past. What's important is that you don't view this as a make-or-break time. While the energies you're encountering now might be quite dramatic, it doesn't mean that you have to settle things now once and for all. Remain open-minded.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Feel like your private world is the most delightful place to be? That's understandable, especially when your head is abuzz and awhirl with so many ideas and delightful fantasies. Believe it or not, there's a way to discipline your unbelievably fertile and rich imagination without cutting off this flow of creativity -- you simply have to be willing to channel it in the right direction. What you come up with will change people's minds and open their eyes.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
You're feeling ambitious and may become preoccupied with a new goal that's just slightly out of your current skill set. While you always hit the ground running, don't overestimate your abilities, or your pursuit of this task may become unnecessarily risky. Instead, focus on beefing up your skills, completing unfinished projects and otherwise cleaning house. These details might just hold the key to your golden future.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Renewed energy arrives, and just in the nick of time. A flagging relationship or work project is revivified thanks to this influx of celestial high spirits. In fact, you can expect progress or movement in any areas of your life that have felt stalled recently. Obstacles will seem to disappear as you move steadily toward a long desired goal. Keep up the good work and let your record speak for itself.

(Dec 23-Jan 20)
Pause and remember some words you uttered not too long ago. Fast forward a little bit and review the effects of those hastily spoken sentences. Your impatience isn't benefiting a complicated relationship, one that needs a little more time and TLC in order to truly blossom into its full potential. Beating yourself up won't help -- forgive yourself and move on. Resolve to communicate, and you've got a chance to start over.

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You've got an intensely devoted, loyal heart -- and a questing, independent spirit that just won't be tied down. This is a tough combo for some people to get, but rest assured, there are those out there who cherish this quixotic and delightful mixture. Someone who wants to blend their life with yours will understand why it is you who possess both these qualities in abundance -- and won't ask you to get rid of one or the other to satisfy them. Hang in there.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
As overwhelmed as you might currently feel, try to get past a self-imposed sense of inadequacy that may be nothing more than your fears in a clever disguise. Your friends and coworkers see a superstar, and rightly so. You're about to be handed an opportunity that's tailor made for your skills and gifts -- don't let strong (and undeserved) feelings of self-confidence prevent you from taking what's rightfully yours.
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