

[ Romantic horoscope 2011]

Your Horoscope Today :
Aug 04



(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Mars, your ruling planet, is still offering you solid support, even if it is a little over-emotional. Your energy may swing from one extreme to another, yet always the general movement will be in a positive, forward direction. The pace of events is due to gradually quicken as your impatience with your *circumstances grows.


(Apr 20 - May 20)
Current communication difficulties will be eased by Mer-cury’s relationship with your sign, which is helping you to think clearly. Mars and Saturn, on the other hand, are sending you challenging patterns, indicating that you must take a more flexible attitude, abandoning some of the high expectations you impose on others.


(May 21 - Jun 21)
Mercury your ruling planet, is behaving itself. Mind you, you might have to resign yourself to the fact that partners could not disagree with you, and may even decline to offer you the support that you believe you deserve. From your point of view, it’s best to listen carefully and try to see the sense in what other people have to say.


(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Although your personal prospects are still looking good, and you are busier than usual, see this as a period of caution, a time to push ahead with your own plans as *conscientiously as possible and to respect the fact that colleagues have their own ideas which are every bit as valid as yours.


(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
You have a natural tendency to over-dramatise situations, never more so than when an emotional planet such as Venus is creating tension and raising the passionate temperature. Deal with personal problems correctly and the coming period will be a time to rejoice in the company of your family and friends.


(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Judging from your solar chart, it seems unlikely that a major upheaval is on the way. Instead you’ll be presented with a series of opportunities to breathe fresh air into situations which you have sometimes found restrictive. Partners must allow you to find your own way and travel in a direction which suits you.


(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The group of planets which will be aligned with your sign over the coming months is urging you to make fundamental reforms in your whole life. However, your experience, wisdom and maturity mean that in the future you will have much greater control over the consequences as well as the final outcome of your actions.


(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
This week is not exactly set to be a time of peace as far as celestial spheres are concerned. You have everything going for you, yet it looks as if you might make a blunder, perhaps betraying a confidence or revealing secret plans. If confrontation is a risk, it’s far better to keep talking than to come to blows.


(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Mars is still the critical factor, driving you forward with its relentless power. Yet possibly your major period is mid-week when your financial fantasies will collide with the real world. Hopefully, the result will be a profit! You may have to travel in search of social or romantic fulfilment. So keep yourself ready.


(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Solar patterns bring to mind the ancient proverb to the effect that, if you think you are confused, you shouldn’t worry because the next *person is probably much more muddled than you are. In fact, this is a period of supreme inspiration, so dream your dreams, and see where your imagination leads.


(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You should follow your ruling planet’s down-to-earth disposition by making more effort to implement your plans. Too often, you have had ideas which can only be described as brilliant, but have lacked the will to put them into practice. Now is the time to change for the better, and do what you say you’re going to do!


(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Mars is still passing through sensitive regions of your chart, forcing you to face up to your attitude towards your career. It does look as if some of your hopes have been realistic and, as long as you are prepared to learn from circumstances, there is no reason why you should not move rapidly towards *satisfying your ambitions.