Your Horoscope Today : March 29



[ Romantic horoscope 2011]
Your Horoscope Today :
March 29



(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Careerwise there are two moves you can make now. First, you can give a higher priority to personal relationships and, secondly, you may begin to think more about the broader picture than about day-to-day diversions and details.


(Apr 20 - May 20)
There is no more sense in fighting a battle over an issue of principle this week than last. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth, so it's pointless pretending that you are better informed than anyone else. What you do have is a sense of what is right and proper, and that's what the rest of us can learn from.


(May 21 - Jun 21)
Today's advice applies to the whole week: tread warily in all financial matters, check guarantees, read the small print, resist the blandishments of smooth-talking strangers and keep a close watch on your purse. Also, a romantic matter seems to be complicated by an old cash crisis.


(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
The Moon's entry into a new sector of your solar chart reminds you of one very fundamental truth: a pleasant, happy home is absolutely essential to your well-being on all levels. Make domestic contentment your number one priority, and follow a hunch.


(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Saturn's influential relationships with your other planets favour solid, commonsense domestic improvements. It does seem that very soon you will see where a series of apparently unconnected events is heading. What's more, you'll be more than satisfied with what you hear.


(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Someone does seem to be growing increasingly disgruntled and apprehensive and, under such pressure, a certain amount of personal alienation may take place. However, this is not inevitable and if you can spot difficulties in advance you may take evasive action.


(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The Moon is exerting its delicate influence and, if you are alive to exploit all those indefinable emotional lunar energies, you will be aware that your personal load lightens by early afternoon. People and problems which once seemed so difficult will melt into the background.


(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
This could be an expensive moment, and it is difficult to resist spending pressures. Alternatively, you may turn your attention to conserving your resources and saving. Either way, it is money in all its myriad forms which will occupy your attention.


(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Although most planetary activity is taking place in a rather sober region of your horoscope, you still have one major asset on your side - Mars. This planet is helping you maintain your competitive edge, so be thankful for all those little kindnesses which come your way.


(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
It is time to begin to think about finalising agreements, especially those which are long-term and businesslike. There is nothing to be gained from shirking your commitments or trying to cut corners - and much to be lost, including your hard-earned money.


(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Once again you need to speak your mind about a personal matter. However, is it possible to hold off for a few days? You may find that a pause for thought helps clarify the issues to everyone's benefit. But don't feel that you have to stick to what loved ones expect.


(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Emotional incentives are the ones that really get you going. An appeal to your higher nature is therefore just the thing to find you participating enthusiastically in a group venture, perhaps one with charitable overtones.



