[ Romantic horoscope 2011]
Your Horoscope Today : Jan 02

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Your tenacity and intelligence will make today a very successful one. You will achieve all that you set out to do today.You may be attracted to someone. But it is advisable to hold back your emotions until later. Be very sure of your approach or else you may be spurned.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
Today there is a danger of people close to you misunderstanding your intentions. They may even question your loyalty towards them. You may feel saddened by this behavior of theirs.It's been a long time since you've managed to spend time with your partner due to your hectic schedule. Today you will plan for an outing together. This will bring back the passion that has been lacking for some time now.Someone unanticipated may come close to you. This will also bring a lot of positive changes to your life and lifestyle.

(May 21 - Jun 21)
You are going through a rough mental state right now. You will repel even things that are beautiful and peaceful. Meditation can help you get out of this mental state.You have the compassion and empathy that makes people bare all to you. Today you will be able to help an introvert person to talk about the issue s/he is facing. You might also be able to resolve the issue.Although you are a person who likes the company of others, today you might be in your own dream world. You might even seek solitude and be happy to be by yourself.If you are planning any changes to your home, it's advisable to also consult and discuss with your partner. Or else it may lead to misunderstandings which later might be difficult to clear up.You are a person committed to a relationship. The one that you have now forged would be a long one. You will also do whatever is within your means to make it stable.

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
You will prefer to spend an evening with your family. You might enjoy a home cooked candlelight dinner with your spouse. It would also assure them of your commitment towards them.You need to relax today. Take a break from all mental and physical activities. A relaxed mind will help you rid of any unnecessary tension.You have an ability to take independent decisions. This would prove very beneficial to you today as you take an important decision

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Weigh you words before you speak. Today you might antagonize someone in your family by saying what you think is right. Your stubbornness will upset them.Think over your plans over the next few days before implementing them. Soon you will find favorable time.Take any health warnings seriously. The symptoms may be pointing to some more serious trouble if not checked. Stick to a healthy diet, change your lifestyle to a moderate one and exercise well.Now is the favorable time to take new steps to make changes to your life. But this might also mean that you need to stay away from your current place..

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
You have the ability to win the co-operation and trust of others. This will help you in implementing your long-drawn ideas as you will get all the help and resources you require.It wouldn't do you any good to keep thinking about what has already happened, however bad. It will only keep on bothering you. Let go of it. There's more important issues to deal with.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
You have had a tough time emotionally and it may take some time before the wounds on your heart heals completely. But you will receive compassion and empathy from people all around you. And you will be able to come out of it soon.Although you are a person who likes the company of others, today you might be in your own dream world. You might even seek solitude and be happy to be by yourself.You are a person committed to a relationship. The one that you have now forged would be a long one. You will also do whatever is within your means to make it stable.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Implementing a new idea will gain you the approval of your superiors. Your colleagues will also appreciate you and support you in your endeavor to work further on the idea.Do not let minor problems overwhelm you. Be calm and keep your composure. You will soon receive help to deal with these problems

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
You needn't wait like a puppy in love around your beloved. Just go ahead and propose and you are sure to get a positive response.Mothers will have to work hard today at their jobs, even putting aside their duties by their kids and family. But by the end of the day they can look forward to spending some time with their family

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
It might be better to avoid expressing your opinions today. Although you know that you are right, your views may only alienate you from some of your relatives.You have a forceful personality that can easily overpower any enemy that you might have. But try and restrain showing it in public today.Today you will receive some unexpected financial help. It will prompt you to start working on a long-shelved project. You have been low on funds to start this earlier..

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You are generally very energetic and powerful. But today exhaustion due to your busy schedule of the past few days will slow you down. Take adequate rest and you will soon be fine.Weigh you words before you speak. Today you might antagonize someone in your family by saying what you think is right. Your stubbornness will upset them.Fathers need to provide their kids with guidance, love and care. They will also feel capable of fulfilling all their children's' needs.It's high time you entered a stable relationship. Stop flitting now from one romance to another. It will only be a drain on you, mentally, emotionally and even financially.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
The forthright manner in which you speak critically of others will alienate you. This would be the case even in instances where you might be right. Try to be gentle while you speak.Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. Attain some clarity before you try and present it to others. You may be appreciated for your ideas but it might come a little late in the day.Your ability to make the most of any opportunity that comes by you will benefit you vastly. It would help you build a secure future..