Your Horoscope Today :September 3

Your Horoscope Today :September 3

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
It could just be due to circumstances, which is why an important person is playing a waiting game with you and not giving an answer. This ‘karmic’ cycle favours travel and property.
Take care of yourself by: making time for yourself and being quite upfront about refusing if it imposes on your time.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
You have every intention of not allowing emotional manipulation, no matter how delicately and deftly it is done. Intuition is at a high and solutions to problems will emerge very naturally.
Take care of yourself by: just lounging around at home if that is what you feel like doing today.

(May 21 - Jun 21)
Overseas travel and business moving forward in huge strides is the good news from the Tarot. Embrace life and all the happiness which is yours and avoid dwelling on what cannot be changed as of now.
Take care of yourself by: being patient and believing that whatever is best for you will manifest.

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Cancereans looking for a job change receive an offer through a friend. Working overtime is something you enjoy. A relationship brings happiness and devastation in equal measure, but view it dispassionately
Take care of yourself by: being diplomatic and taking charge of a situation which only you can handle perfectly.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
The timing is right for new ventures and the Universe gives you the green signal to go ahead with full family support. Leos who free lance come to the end of a cash crunch period. Be practical not emotional.
Take care of yourself by: driving carefully and following all traffic rules.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
There are several rainbows in the Virgo sky bringing good news which will have a major impact on life from now on. Avoid rushing into a new relationship.
Take care of yourself by: realigning yourself to a higher purpose in life; realising childhood dreams, or those desires which seemed unlikely.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
A legal issue which is irritating would sort itself out gradually. Try and keep the big picture in mind instead of myopically concentrating on a small area. Work would keep you on your toes.
Take care of yourself by: being very careful for a while about what you eat or drink.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
You could totally lose the thread by concentrating on trivialities, and this is to be avoided since a lucky ‘karmic’ cycle which addresses taking action instead of endless discussions. A compliment makes you blush (you see the truth!).
Take care of yourself by: spending quantity time with family and loved ones.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Having realized you were over reacting, go all out to do damage control. Better prospects in your career are revealed by the Tarot. Family property can be sold since this is a ‘karmic’ cycle of immovable assets.
Take care of yourself by: looking ahead with joy instead of wishing circumstances were different.

(Dec 23-Jan 20)
Tempted to slide back into a relationship is something you need to think about seriously. The plus points in life are numerous, particularly the manner in which you have re-built your life.
Take care of yourself by: not going back to certain habits and thinking you have tried to change.

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Have faith in yourself and your love and face the future with optimism. Unexpected expenses are unavoidable, so just take them in your stride. A younger family member may be short tempered and irritable.
Take care of yourself by: not getting into a situation you know will only cause heartache.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Life is about to transform in such a wonderful manner and this is a tribute to your faith and patience. Avoid dwelling on the past and decisions taken by someone else. Family closeness increases.
Take care of yourself by: making time for yourself and being firm about not allowing anyone to browbeat you.
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