Your Horoscope Today : September 22

Your Horoscope Today : September 22

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Perhaps you have overstepped the mark and allowed yourself to be pushed into a corner, with the result that you simply have to retaliate in order to protect your position. However, friends are still on your side.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
Stick to the straight and narrow and place your faith in dialogue and reason. It is long-term relationships which are important to you, so please pay attention to partners' wants and desires.

(May 21 - Jun 21)
Sometimes it is wiser to let things take their own course rather than intervene at every turn. Consider current developments with great care, for your interference may exacerbate a number of complex situations.

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Your planetary patterns have been intense, and there must have been many moments during past few months when you have come close to throwing in the towel. However, you are by your nature a fighter and unlikely ever to admit defeat.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Neptune is one of those planets which has a particular meaning for you. Right now it is likely to bring offers of practical assistance that should keep you active and prevent you from dwelling on past associations.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Try to get away from your usual environment as new encounters could lead to associations which are emotionally rewarding or potentially profitable. Events connected to higher education or the law are highlighted.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Under stressful and planetary aspects you have no doubt learned a few harsh lessons. Perhaps you have realised that, while it is nobler to give than receive, you must not promise what is beyond your power to deliver.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Mercury’s talkative role in your life is now stronger than ever, and the temptation must be to force others to divulge all you think you have the right to know, and perhaps one or two items that are none of your business.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
A particular emotional tie is much more important to you than you care to admit. From now on, maintaining such vital associations will require more effort than you have been prepared to put in the past.

(Dec 23-Jan 20)
Look upon this as a time for psychological spring-cleaning. Challenging planetary pressures are being transformed rapidly into harmonious influences, and all parts of your life will benefit.

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You will soon be so preoccupied with unexpected developments related to your home life, that you will be forced to abandon a number of commitments if you have a chance for restoring order.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Few of you have avoided some sort of major upheaval recently. Whether your experience was fortunate or not, it seems to have made you that much more understanding and broad-minded.
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