Your Horoscope Today : Aug 29

Your Horoscope Today : Aug 29

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
The one you love is on top of your priority. You do have a reputation to keep in mind, though, so you'd never admit it -- even under threat of extreme suffering (or, worse, being forced to say 'I love you, too,' in public). Your sweetie knows how you feel, though, and that's all that really counts. A new situation comes along today, and you need to take their side, in public, while trying to appear totally objective.

(Apr 20 - May 20)
You've been dealing with quite a lot recently, and you've probably managed to keep most of it secret -- even though your people doubted you could. For now, though, you're done trying to keep it all under wraps. You may be ready to spill anything that's hurting someone close thanks to remaining secret. Before you do, make sure all other parties are in agreement.

(May 21 - Jun 21)
You don't want to repeat recent events ever again. You may be torn between doing what your friends think you should do and what you really want to do. Luckily, your confidence is quite solid for now, and there's someone interesting on the horizon -- someone you might actually find interesting enough to get to know better. Don't worry -- it should all work out, maybe even better than you'd hoped!

(Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Your skill handling tricky family situations -- especially for keeping certain people away from each other when things start to get really bad -- is well-known and much respected. You can even maintain the peace when you're not sure who's right, or even what the real issue may be. That should come in handy today, when an emotional battle at work or in a community group begins publicly -- and someone needs to step in quickly.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
You've never been short on charm, and you know just how to use it to the utmost, so when someone in authority quietly (maybe desperately) begs you to help them out using your superpowers, you probably do so. In fact, you may help them win before the other side even knows what's happening. You have to hope they appreciate you, because you give such devotion that you really deserve it.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
For lots of us, anything that even feels like balancing a checkbook or paying bills is as stressful, bothersome or boring as dental surgery minus the anesthesia. You, on the other hand, not only keep from whining -- you blitz through it in record time, with great accuracy and a terrifically good attitude. Someone close may need some lessons.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
If you want to keep your feelings from showing, there's just one way to make it happen: Put some distance between you and whomever you want to keep in the dark. Otherwise, there's simply no way for you to do it. You've never been that good at deception, to start with, and right now, one needy look from someone who cares for you could bring on a veritable flood of too-much-information.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
You love secrets more than most people in most, if not all circumstances. Right now, conducting an intense probe at work is even more appealing than usual, and the nature of the issue isn't at all relevant. Your curiosity is running on high, so your inner detective comes out in a big way. Make sure that no one who may be implicated hears what you've discovered.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
When someone close needs a silver-tongued ally, they come to you -- as well they should! Your gifts are enviable, so it's not surprising to find you standing next to someone you love, fast-talking any opponents and leaving them deeply unsure of themselves. In the end, all parties leave feeling like old friends, so you rarely create any new enemies.

(Dec 23-Jan 20)
You're rightly famous for your work ethic, so if you're under pressure to get that big project done soon, don't worry. The hard part is getting any cranky family members to steer clear of you (and each other) long enough for you to get the job done. Try closing the door and refraining from answering the phone. If that doesn't work, you may need to be rude, but try to do so with the promise of future sweetness.

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
If you're having doubts about the trustworthiness of someone close -- especially related to financial issues -- don't let those doubts slide. You have nearly limitless intuition about the motivations of others, but it may not work so well with your finances for now. Don't let anyone cheat you, no matter how small the amount seems to be at first.

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
You're feeling quite a bit impulsive than usual, so if you see something you want, you just can't stop yourself from taking it for yourself. Remember this, especially if (or when) you run across a savvy salesperson. Telling you not to purchase what you like is a fool's errand. You want the world to see your new luxury, no matter how much it costs you.
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